Welcome to my blog

I'm only getting started with regularly updating this stuff, constructive criticism is appreciated! I write about.. anything but mainly developer stuff.

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All Posts:

  1. Minecraft: Java Edition online multiplayer (with OpenVPN)

  2. Keeping my music offline

  3. Laptops are Good!

  4. Why my username is no longer MikunoNaka

  5. Neofetch is NOT dead

  6. The death of neofetch?

  7. I'm starting 100 Days To Offload

  8. This site's getting rusty

  9. Linux means freedom of choice... And so does not using it!

  10. LPT: Pseudoleaving annoying WhatsApp groups

  11. I'm switching to Dvorak...

  12. Stream system audio to your friends over discord! (and other applications)

  13. ACTUALLY fix WiFi turning off on laptop lid close

  14. Website Domain Change (and letting go of weeb-developerz.xyz)

  15. The Guitar Is Pretty Neat

  16. I love Domestic Na Kanojo

  17. Distributing a GTK App for Windows

  18. Customizing a Doom Emacs Theme

  19. I Switched to (Doom) Emacs

  20. Don't Cover Liabilities With Liabilities

  21. You can't have a good story without great characters

  22. Everyone Should Learn Cubing

  23. All these "tech companies" are taking away your freedom.

  24. Authenticating Your Mailserver With SPF and DKIM

  25. My Failed Attempt at Installing Gentoo

  26. Why I Try to Customize Everything About My System

  27. Why Social Media Should Be Avoided

  28. I Created a Blog!