All posts tagged "tech"

  1. Ditching XMonad for KDE Plasma 6

  2. First thoughts on the Nouveau drivers

  3. Create bootable images with dd

  4. Showcasing my projects on this site

  5. This site's getting rusty

  6. Linux means freedom of choice... And so does not using it!

  7. I'm switching to Dvorak...

  8. Stream system audio to your friends over discord! (and other applications)

  9. ACTUALLY fix WiFi turning off on laptop lid close

  10. Customizing a Doom Emacs Theme

  11. I Switched to (Doom) Emacs

  12. All these "tech companies" are taking away your freedom.

  13. Authenticating Your Mailserver With SPF and DKIM

  14. My Failed Attempt at Installing Gentoo

  15. Why I Try to Customize Everything About My System