Minecraft: Java Edition online multiplayer (with OpenVPN)

| ~2 minute read

Minecraft: Java Edition only supports multiplayer through LAN, a server or through the newly introduced realms. That's pretty bad! I just want to play with friends without renting a server or something. Port forwarding isn't an option for me because I'm behind like multiple layers of NAT.

So what's the solution, you ask?

Your local hackerman has everything in check. Here's what to do:

Now one of you must host the minecraft game, and open the world to LAN. Others just need to connect to the VPN, enter your IP address (on the VPN) and the port, and have some quality mining and, of course, crafting time.

When I was setting up everything (which btw took like 20 minutes) I was wondering if it'd be playable. And my answer to that is: Yes! It felt like we were playing on LAN, not through the internet. Your mileage may vary though.

I guess next I'll try to set up my old potato as a minecraft server that is only accessible through my private VPN (I know that the "private" is redundant fuck off)

This is post 07 of #100DaysToOffload