Coping with broken headphones

| ~2 minute read

Yesterday, I dropped my bluetooth headphones and now the on/off switch is broken


At first the button wasn't getting pressed but the headphones kept turning on/off as if the button was held down. I thought the button was somehow stuck so I opened the right ear but then I found out that the actual button attached to the PCB is broken.

Seems like the spring or whatever bringing the button up is now broken. The button is now activated by gravity. You guys have fun with your voice activated shit from the past. So I guess I now have to make do with this broken button.

Haven't had any issues while wearing them, though taking them off either puts them in pairing mode or turns them off. Props to the good design by JBL, the power button is on the bottom so won't get automatically pressed. Still pretty sad though.

Edit (3rd August 2024): Funny thing worth sharing happened, I was drinking water and tilted my neck up and the button probably pressed itself due to gravity, and the headphones turned off. Guess I'd just have to deal with it...

This is post 09 of #100DaysToOffload